Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Engagement Day!

Two years ago today, Ryan proposed over Park City in a hot air ballon and asked me to be his wife. It was one of the coolest experiences. This was the beginning of our future together and I was so excited for all the adventures life would bring us. I love Ryan and Connor so much and I feel so blessed to have them both in my life.


  1. I can't believe it's been 2 years! Crazy how time flies! Love you guys.

  2. Geneve - I don't have your email address but I found your blog via James and Katy's blog. I couldn't wait to edit some of your sweet Connor's pictures, so I put the first few up on my blog. I also forgot to ask if you needed any pictures right away for baby announcements or such. Let me know if you do and I can email you a few. Check it out: carlypendletonphotography.blogspot.com.
